tabshiftr 0.5.1
- reinclude inverting a filter on rows.
tabshiftr 0.5.0
- include the possibility to specify variable data type, which will result in a column of that type
- include header into
again, which enables providing tables where the column names are in the header, where they will be spliced into the table.
tabshiftr 0.4.2
- include split and merge functionality for cluster ID.
tabshiftr 0.4.1 (2023-01-31)
tabshiftr 0.4.0 (2022-09-28)
- introduction of the function
, which allows to summarize columns and/or rows according to a function. The positions and summarise function here are provided via the new function .sum()
- now each getter ensures that it only gets things from an already validated schema.
- for filter and group slots of a schema there is now a new way implemented for storing locations. Each location statement is now a list that contains either
, group
or position
tabshiftr 0.3.9
- allow several filters to be applied in a separate function and thus for separate columns.
- allow filtering on columns
tabshiftr 0.3.8
- allow
ing based on several character strings (that can themselves be regular expressions).
tabshiftr 0.3.7
- implement code so that duplicated observations in the input table are by default summarized (with a warning)
tabshiftr 0.3.6
- fix a bug that would not allow to register of two wide identifying variables first the wider, then the narrower wide identifying variable.
tabshiftr 0.3.5
- fix a bug that would not allow tables that have only one row and implicit variables to be properly reorganized.
tabshiftr 0.3.4
- incl. handling of flags (character additions to the numeric values of observed variables), which are now extracted into an ancillary column.
tabshiftr 0.3.3
- fix a bug where the header was not properly recognized when using
tabshiftr 0.3.2 (2022-01-13)
- be more precise in using tidyr
- revising some text here and there
- other minor fixes
tabshiftr 0.3.1
- various minor bugfixes
- minor reorganization of the internal workings
tabshiftr 0.3.0 (2021-07-01)
- introduction of getters that fulfill two functions: 1) check up on the schema one is currently building, 2) internal use to streamline the code-base
- less cryptic naming of the example files that they can be understood without much explanation
- complete revisit of the code-base
- removal of the function
, as these information are now automatically extracted from the functions
- renaming of the argument
row =
in setObsVar()
to top =
, because this is represents a clearer meaning of what this argument describes
now also allows functions that evaluate to TRUE/FALSE
- add a column specifier to
tabshiftr 0.2.6
- properly enable use of functions in
via several bug-fixes
tabshiftr 0.2.5
- internal updates/bug-fixes
tabshiftr 0.2.4
- new function
to provide which columns/rows should be ignored by a schema.
- handling of relative positions was changed internally to simplify the code.
tabshiftr 0.2.3
- generalise
and find_row
to .find
and handle it based on the context it's called in.
- include the option to specify clusters that are members of irregular groups of clusters associated to a variable that shall be recorded itself,
setCluster(..., group = "grouping_variable", member = c(1, 1, 2, ...))
tabshiftr 0.2.2
- include functions
and find_row
to determine columns and rows "on the fly"
tabshiftr 0.2.1
- automatically complete id-columns that contain missing values in some rows.
- automatically remove rows and columns that contain merely NA values.
tabshiftr 0.2.0
- include functions
, setHeader
, setIDVar
and setObsVar
for easier schema setup.
- improved documentation
- first steps in implementing errors/warnings when setting up a schema that will likely not result in a successful reorganisation
tabshiftr 0.1.4
- include a control that user-provided "." as decimal symbol is turned into "[.]" to be used as regular expression.
- re-enable completion of when values in the header are missing. Values are now completed with their left neighbour, as this is the most frequent use-case when values in the header are omitted.
tabshiftr 0.1.3
- enable the field 'merge = character(1)' for identifying variables, which would be used when a variable is spread over several columns that need to be combined.
tabshiftr 0.1.2 (2020-05-13)
initial release to CRAN